Martha Walker

martha weldingMartha Walker attended Pratt Institute from 1971-1976, and went back for her Masters Degree from 1999 – 2001, graduating with honors. Her father was a medical researcher and Martha frequented the laboratory often viewing microorganisms under the microscope, which served as a fundamental visual influence. Moving frequently, Martha became aware of what it meant to be an outsider looking in, especially in Europe where she acquainted herself with survivors of the Holocaust.  This had a profound effect on her, resulting in work occasionally themed by Jewish identity and the Holocaust.

Walker creates sculpture by melting slim steel rods and building up layers, a process called a “puddling.” Dripping liquid steel one drop at a time in order to build up massive forms allows for a unique combination of texture and line rarely seen in steel.  The resulting imagery merges erotic forms that are at the same time, aquatic and microbiological.

Visit her website at
Contact her at sculptrut(at)

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